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Marthe Jocelyn Record of Published Books


The Body Under the Piano        (Tundra Books, 2020)


One Patch of Blue 

and One Yellow Ribbon (Orca Books, 2019, board books)

“Jocelyn’s collages are alive with colour and textures”

Highly Recommended, CM magazine


One Red Button    (Orca Books, 2018, board book)

“Charmingly illustrated…Jocelyn's mixed-media collage illustrations pair gorgeous patterns with rich textures, creating delightful images that children will recognize from their daily lives…All in all, this is a clever, attractive book that parents and children will thoroughly enjoy.”

Kirkus STARRED review


One Piece of String    (Orca Books, 2018, board book)

“Cleverly illustrated…Jocelyn's ingenious collage-style illustrations effectively combine patterns and strong, bold blocks of color into highly textured results…This is a fun and thought-provoking book by a talented illustrator with a knack for wordless storytelling.”

Highly Recommended, CM magazine



Sam Sorts    (Tundra Books, 2017)

“Sam Sorts is a rare gem of a concept book... it provides boundless opportunities to identify, compare, contrast, re-group, think, and re-read: like Sam, young readers can start over in a new way every time they open the book... Jocelyn’s intricate illustrations, done with hundreds of hand-cut collages, will inspire young artists to create their own objects to play with and sort... Don’t miss it.”

 Lynn Rutan Bookends



“This entertaining higher-order concept book soarsbecause of Jocelyn’s invitingly detailed hand-cut paper collages, which reach their greatest glory on a page that resembles a Pac-Man screen on which Sam plays both predator (“Some things Sam bites”) and prey (“And some things bite Sam”). 


Horn Book





“To her enduring classic Hannah’s Collections, Jocelyn adds this playful, brainy take on a boy tidying up. Jocelyn transforms these logical concepts with colourful, characterful hand-cut paper illustrations, providing enough detail and strangeness for us to imagine multiple backstories for Sam and his collection. In her inimitable way, she’s created (yet another) book that satisfies both simple and sophisticated readings.”

                            Toronto Star




A Big Dose of Lucky    (Orca Books, 2015)


“A fresh coming-of-age tale with an unconventional twist.” 


Kirkus Review of Books



“Through this inspiring heroine and characters that include a gay, biracial couple living as sisters-in-law, Jocelyn illuminates racial and social inequality as significant today as it was during the civil rights movement. Poignant and resonant, it’s an important exploration for readers seeking their own identities.”

Publisher’s Weekly



       “A Big Dose of Lucky is an entertaining book and a great mystery that will also introduce readers to an interesting sliver of medical history in Canada. A worthy addition for public and school libraries.”


                        Highly Recommended CM magazine



What We Hide        (Tundra Books, 2014)

“This story takes us into the lives of not one or two, but eight main characters, and though the novel is only 275 pages long, Marthe Jocelyn is able to richly convey deep and beautifully complete pictures of each and every one of her characters. Though I became more attached to some characters than others, all of them had a clear, consistent, and deeply interesting story to tell, even in the short space they were given. I think the setting of the book was an excellent choice, as the boarding school setting has a kind of inter-connectivity structure not possible in regular classroom settings. I really became quite engrossed by the journeys of every character whose perspective I was shown, and I really appreciated the subtlety and craft Marthe Jocelyn brought to the questions surrounding what it means to 'come of age'.”

Mabel’s  Fables 



“No one in What We Hide gets a storybook ending, just a slightly better understanding of his or her predicament. The book works better as a series of linked tales than a novel – it sometimes has the loose feel of a teen TV drama, with subplots picked up and dropped along the way. Where it shines is in many of the individual scenes. Jocelyn shows an ease with the vagaries of the teenage mind and a willingness to depict some very uncomfortable situations without blinking. Yes, there is a lot of sex here, but Jocelyn writes about it with more brute honesty and maturity than you’ll find in many adult books.”

Quill & Quire


“These are textured, smart characters, and it’s likely that readers will find themselves wishing for more from many of them—the only detraction of the slice-of-life style on offer here... Poignant and often witty, this novel treats its audience to a nuanced look at the era.”

Kirkus Review of Books




Viminy Crowe’s Comic Book 

(Tundra, co-created with Richard Scrimger and Claudia Davila)


“A harmonious blend of narrative and intertwined graphic sequences finds two preteens at a comics convention closer to the action than they ever imagined... This wholly imagined fantasy is well–fleshed-out and keeps the pages flying with its extremely clever story within a story. As it embraces so many different genres and formats—comics, steampunk, adventure—expect this to resonate with a wide readership...
A thrilling and imaginative reminder that adventure and magic can be found anywhere, especially where one least expects it—and even if your mother texts you incessantly.”

Kirkus, starred review




Ones and Twos (Tundra, 2011, 24 pp) co-created with Nell Jocelyn

    *School Library Journal, starred review

    *Quill and Quire, starred review


“With their first collaborative effort, this mother-daughter team proves that they are a duo to watch. Marthe Jocelyn’s text is perfect in its simplicity, the short phrases and vocabulary just right for toddler audiences, while the rhythm and rhyme are spot-on.”

                            *Kirkus, starred review



      “Ones and Twos is sure to be a book that youngsters will want to return to again and again independently as they search out the seemingly endless number of singles and pairings.”

                        Highly Recommended, CM magazine




“Marthe Jocelyn’s ability to present important-to-learn concepts to the very young has garnered accolades from around the world. Ones and Twos is her first book collaboration with her nineteen-year-old art student daughter, Nell, and, together, they explore numeracy, sorting, and pairing. Each brightly illustrated page invites children to identify familiar objects ranging from kites to socks, from one nest to the two birds sitting in it. Ones and Twos gives little toddlers and their caregivers much to discuss and to enjoy together, and it introduces an exciting new creative team.”


49th shelf




Sneaky Art    (Tundra Books, 2013)

“First there were guerrilla knitters, now sneaky artists. Folks who want to create fun, temporary works of art for public places will have plenty of inspiration here... With photos showing faces made of cut-out noses, eyes and mouths from magazines, amusing speech bubbles, adorable paper creations in matchboxes, tiny paper clotheslines, and Swedish fish hanging off of coffee cups, among others, this is an April Fooler’s dream come true... Good fun, even for those who do not consider themselves artists.”


Kirkus Review of Books



“Sneaky Art: Crafty Surprises to Hide in Plain Sight is a multi-purpose book just waiting to be explored. The content, concept and humour quickly appeal to students of all ages. Sneaky Art would be useful in a variety of curricular applications, from primary fine motor skills to intermediate expository writing. This Canadian children’s book has loads of inspiration to offer and would make a popular addition to any classroom library.” 


Recommended, Canadian Teacher magazine



“An inventive imagination and clear instructions make this craft book an excellent resource for summer diversions. The projects are simple to execute and have a stylish humour in their finished form — and even a subversive wit at times.”


Toronto Star




Scribbling Women     (Tundra, 2011, 224 pp)

    “Scribbling Women is a powerfully respectful, artful and even joyous celebration of a group of diverse women and what they left us in their writing. It’s also a rare and subtle demonstration of how to read — for enjoyment, of course, but also for the tidbits of information that even the most casual and rustic records can give us. Highly recommended.”

                                Toronto Star


    “...Jocelyn...creates lively, sometimes humorous pieces that blend straight biographic detail and anecdotal accounts about some lesser known women writers in history.”

                            - ForeSight Magazine





Folly         (Wendy Lamb Books/Tundra, 2010, 256 pp)

    *Kirkus, starred review


    “...a wise, compassionate vision that rings true...”   - Toronto Star

The novel has a melancholy feel to it, but readers will care very much for these characters as they experience first love and sex, physical pain, jealousy, homelessness, hunger, shame, desertion, and heart-wrenching decisions. Teens will find Folly historically enlightening as well as rewarding.” 


                            School Library Journal


“Perhaps most potent in this story is the lived experience behind it. Jocelyn traced her own grandfather's history to discover that she herself is the descendant of a foundling and of a woman who, like Mary Finn, gave her baby into the hospital's care. She brings her tale to a promising but bittersweet ending, defying a romantic re-writing of the probable to give her readers a wise, compassionate vision that rings true to past and present.”

Toronto Star




Which Way (Tundra, 2010, 24 pp) illustrated by Tom Slaughter

    “...intriguing and visually compelling...”    -Globe and Mail




Same Same (Tundra, 2009, 24 pp) (board 2010, 16 pp) 

    illustrated by Tom Slaughter

    First and Best ‘09, Toronto Public Library selection


“...a book like this is an essential part of the very young child’s


                        Publisher’s Weekly, starred review



Time is When (illustrations, Tundra, 2008, 32 pp) Written by Beth Gleick


    “Marthe Jocelyn has created another stunning picture book.” 

- CM Magazine



Would You (Wendy Lamb Books/Tundra, 2008, 176 pp)

    *Horn Book, starred review

    *Publisher’s Weekly, starred review

    *Booklist, starred review


    “It is difficult to overstate the brilliance of Would You, its dramatic (literally) pacing, its humour, both light and dark, its depth and reach, and its authenticity in terms of characters, situations and emotions, and in the contemplation and actuality of loss.”

                                - Globe and Mail




Ready for Spring

Ready for Summer

Ready for Autumn

Ready for Winter    

(Board book set, self-illustrated, Tundra, 2008, 16 pp each)



    “The festive technique of Marthe Jocelyn's board books will reward art students and teachers as much as wee readers”                 

  - Toronto Star



“... the Jocelyn quartet... is a "must buy" by parents who want to introduce their very young children to the world of imagination contained in books.”                    

Highly Recommended, CM magazine







Eats (Tundra, 2007, 24 pp)(board 2010, 16pp) illustrated by Tom Slaughter

    First and Best ’07 Toronto Public Library selection


    “Top marks here for concept and execution.”   - Globe and Mail


    “I can't imagine a baby not loving this book - or a parent not dazzled.”

                                Boston Globe




First Times: Stories Selected by Marthe Jocelyn 

(Tundra, 2007, 200 pp)  (editor & contributor) 


    “Middle- and high-school readers will enjoy First Times, probably many times over.”

                            - Hamilton Spectator





How It Happened in Peach Hill (Wendy Lamb Books, Tundra, 2007, 240 pp)

    *School Library Journal, starred review

    *Horn Book, starred review


    “An irresistible blend of depth, wit and inventiveness.”     - Toronto Star




ABC X 3 English Espanol Francais    (Tundra, 2005, 24 pp) 

    illustrated by Tom Slaughter




Secrets: Stories Selected by Marthe Jocelyn (Tundra, 2005, 184 pp) 

                            (editor & contributor)


“Readers will enjoy these tales of life, love, and liberation.”


                        -School Library Journal




A Home for Foundlings (Tundra, 2005, 120 pp) (non-fiction)

    Norma Fleck Award finalist


“With lots of photographs and necessary forays into social history, this is a riveting read.”

-The Toronto Star



    “Jocelyn’s account, rich in everyday details, will amaze and engage young readers...”

                            *Quill and Quire, starred review



Over Under (Tundra, 2005, 24 pp) (board, 2007, 16pp)

illustrated by Tom Slaughter




Mable Riley: A Reliable Record of Humdrum, Peril and Romance     (Candlewick/Tundra, 2004, 256 pp)

    Winner, inaugural TD Award for Most Distinguished Book, 2005





Mayfly     (Tundra, 2004, 24 pp) self-illustrated


    “Jocelyn uses paper, fabric, fringe, and cord to create interesting multidimensional collages that capture the exuberance of the narrative.”

                                - School Library Journal




One Some Many 

(Tundra, 2005, 24 pp) (board, 2007, 16 pp) illustrated by Tom Slaughter



A Day with Nellie 

(Tundra, 2002, 24 pp) (board 2008, 16 pp) self-illustrated


            “...delightfully child-friendly...”     - Booklist



The Invisible Enemy (Dutton/Tundra, 2002, 160 pp) illustrated by Abby Carter


    “Marthe Jocelyn has a master’s touch for writing funny stories.”

                            - Canadian Book Review Annual




Hannah’s Collections  (Dutton/Tundra, 2000, 24 pp) self-illustrated

                    Finalist, Governor General’s Award in Illustration



Earthly Astonishments (Dutton/Tundra, 2000, 192 pp)


“…a snappy pace, an exciting plot and flavourful dialogue that’s fun to read…With verve, wisdom and honesty, Jocelyn explores the realities of human curiosity, friendship and life with a physical trait that will always have to be accommodated.”

The Toronto Star


      “…original and literary…”          - New Brunswick Telegraph Journal



Hannah and the Seven Dresses 

(Dutton/Tundra, 1999, 24pp) self-illustrated


“The colourful, captivating prints incorporate various textures and patterns, with additional items that decorate each dress like buttons, thread, wool, bric-a-brac, felt and ribbons. Jocelyn's use of vivid wallpaper, and wild carpet designs in the backgrounds adds to the visual fun.”

                    Recommended, CM Magazine



    “Wonderful three-dimensional textures and a delectable use of pattern and line make this a visual treat as well as a charming domestic drama…”        - 

Kirkus Review of Books






The Invisible Harry (Dutton/Tundra, 1998, 144 pp)


    “Making it easy to relate to the characters and the events that crop up in their daily lives, Jocelyn creates an inviting environment for the magic.”  


     London Free Press




The Invisible Day (Dutton/Tundra, 1997, 128 pp)


    “...a surefire crowd-pleaser...”        - Publisher’s Weekly

Marthe Jocelyn is the author and sometimes illustrator of over 50 books for young readers, from board books to teen novels, including the award-winning Aggie Morton Mystery Queen series.

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